9. Venarotta – Ascoli Piceno

Stage description

ROAD: 5,28 KM
TRACK: 4,82 KM
PATH: 4,8 KM

From the octagonal-shaped church of Cardinale take the paved road to Cepparano – Castellano which you leave after 1 km at a curve to follow a dirt road on the left. After 300 meters turn right onto a path that leads down to the valley of the Salara district, where you have to ford the river Chiaro and continue until you see a dirt road on the right that leads to the village of Tirabotte. Arriving in the village, at an intersection where there is a small church, turn right on asphalt to a path that descends through the woods, back to the river Chiaro. Here you will have to cross a second ford after which you reach the road that climbs steeply to the village of Curti. From Curti you take the road to Gimigliano and after 800 meters, on a bend, turn left onto a dirt road. After 100 meters turn right onto a steep path that goes up to the gravel road. Turn left and proceed downhill along the Via Monterocco following it for 2.5 km To the Sanctuary of St. Antonetto. At the end take a sharp left onto the paved road leading to Porta Cappuccina, entrance to the city of Ascoli Piceno (2.5 km).